Tutorial 1.6: Sensitivity analysis#

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from SALib.analyze import sobol
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from SALib.sample import saltelli
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline
# plt.rcParams["font.family"] = 'Arial'
# # please uncomment these two lines, if you run this code in Colab
# !git clone https://github.com/xiaoyuxie-vico/PyDimension-Book
# %cd PyDimension-Book/examples

Helper functions#

def parse_data(df, para_list, output='e*'):
    '''Parse the input and output parameters'''
    X = df[para_list].to_numpy()
    y = df[output].to_numpy()
    return X, y

def calculate_bounds(df, para_list):
    '''Calculate lower and upper bounds for each parameter'''
    bounds = []
    for var_name in para_list:
        bounds.append([df[var_name].min(), df[var_name].max()])
    return bounds

def train_model(X, y, coef_pi, deg):
    '''Build a predictive model with polynomial function'''
    # build features
    pi1 = np.prod(np.power(X, coef_pi.reshape(-1,)), axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    poly = PolynomialFeatures(deg)
    pi1_poly = poly.fit_transform(pi1)
    # fit
    model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)
    model.fit(pi1_poly, y)
    model.score(pi1_poly, y)
    return model, poly

def SA(para_list, coef_pi, bounds, model, poly, sample_num=2**10):
    '''Sensitivity analysis'''
    problem = {'num_vars': len(para_list), 'names': para_list, 'bounds': bounds}

    # Generate samples
    X_sampled = saltelli.sample(problem, sample_num, calc_second_order=True)
    pi1_sampled = np.prod(np.power(X_sampled, coef_pi.reshape(-1,)), axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
    pi1_sampled_poly = poly.transform(pi1_sampled)
    Y_sampled = model.predict(pi1_sampled_poly).reshape(-1,)

    # Perform analysis
    Si = sobol.analyze(problem, Y_sampled, print_to_console=True)
    return Si

def plot(Si, xtick_labels):
    total_Si, first_Si, second_Si = Si.to_df()
    total_Si['Type'] = ['Sobol total'] * total_Si.shape[0]
    total_Si = total_Si.rename(columns={'ST': 'Sensitivity', 'ST_conf': 'conf'})
    total_Si.index.name = 'Variable'

    first_Si['Type'] = ['Sobol 1st order'] * first_Si.shape[0]
    first_Si = first_Si.rename(columns={'S1': 'Sensitivity', 'S1_conf': 'conf'})
    first_Si.index.name = 'Variable'
    res_df = pd.concat([first_Si, total_Si]).reset_index(drop=False)
    # res_df = res_df.reindex(combined_df_index)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = sns.barplot(data=res_df, x='Variable', y='Sensitivity', hue='Type')
    ax.set_xlabel('Variable', fontsize=16)
    ax.set_ylabel('Sensitivity', fontsize=16)
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=13)

Load keyhole dataset#

# load data
df = pd.read_csv('../dataset/dataset_keyhole.csv')
etaP Vs r0 alpha rho cp Tv-T0 Lv Tl-T0 Lm e Ke e*
count 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 9.000000e+01 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000 90.000000
mean 143.036444 0.733889 0.000053 0.000013 3949.633333 872.222222 3130.533333 9.197967e+06 1480.044444 296511.111111 0.000173 9.981230 3.520206
std 85.162496 0.267933 0.000010 0.000008 997.040085 117.939022 275.287641 9.413036e+05 342.642865 33657.309487 0.000129 7.220693 2.799219
min 31.400000 0.300000 0.000044 0.000005 2415.000000 790.000000 2499.000000 6.336000e+06 622.000000 260000.000000 0.000015 1.545937 0.208731
25% 73.825000 0.600000 0.000048 0.000010 3920.000000 830.000000 3267.000000 9.255000e+06 1630.000000 286000.000000 0.000071 4.197719 1.300126
50% 120.160000 0.700000 0.000048 0.000010 3920.000000 830.000000 3267.000000 9.255000e+06 1630.000000 286000.000000 0.000146 7.947395 2.925625
75% 192.895000 1.000000 0.000066 0.000010 3920.000000 830.000000 3267.000000 9.255000e+06 1630.000000 286000.000000 0.000252 14.359714 5.232955
max 342.600000 1.200000 0.000070 0.000032 6881.000000 1170.000000 3267.000000 1.053000e+07 1630.000000 380000.000000 0.000562 37.772286 12.772727

Analysis for Ke#

# config
para_list = ['etaP', 'Vs', 'r0', 'alpha', 'rho', 'cp', 'Tl-T0']
coef_pi = np.array([1, -0.5, -1.5, -0.5, -1, -1, -1])  # for Ke
deg = 3

# choose parameters
X, y = parse_data(df, para_list)

# calculate bounds
bounds = calculate_bounds(df, para_list)

# train mdoel
model, poly = train_model(X, y, coef_pi, deg)

# calculate sensitivity
Si = SA(para_list, coef_pi, bounds, model, poly)
/tmp/ipykernel_13504/3367990274.py:32: DeprecationWarning: `salib.sample.saltelli` will be removed in SALib 1.5. Please use `salib.sample.sobol`
  X_sampled = saltelli.sample(problem, sample_num, calc_second_order=True)
             ST   ST_conf
etaP   0.468911  0.056928
Vs     0.075444  0.009698
r0     0.086941  0.012552
alpha  0.137722  0.016489
rho    0.194494  0.022837
cp     0.026777  0.003598
Tl-T0  0.160593  0.020186
             S1   S1_conf
etaP   0.379400  0.055575
Vs     0.058095  0.027235
r0     0.061965  0.025987
alpha  0.110631  0.031598
rho    0.144342  0.048481
cp     0.018855  0.014861
Tl-T0  0.128264  0.035198
                      S2   S2_conf
(etaP, Vs)      0.008929  0.067780
(etaP, r0)      0.014155  0.063702
(etaP, alpha)   0.010734  0.071605
(etaP, rho)     0.042107  0.080435
(etaP, cp)      0.003964  0.064910
(etaP, Tl-T0)   0.018733  0.075123
(Vs, r0)       -0.003869  0.042091
(Vs, alpha)    -0.006055  0.041836
(Vs, rho)       0.000813  0.042304
(Vs, cp)       -0.007282  0.037941
(Vs, Tl-T0)    -0.000395  0.044344
(r0, alpha)     0.003093  0.046061
(r0, rho)      -0.001922  0.041634
(r0, cp)        0.002067  0.040927
(r0, Tl-T0)     0.001900  0.045898
(alpha, rho)   -0.000030  0.058705
(alpha, cp)    -0.015239  0.056413
(alpha, Tl-T0) -0.006766  0.067627
(rho, cp)       0.000069  0.071825
(rho, Tl-T0)   -0.008466  0.075186
(cp, Tl-T0)    -0.002182  0.022952
xtick_labels = [r'$\eta P$', r'$\rho$', r'$T_l-T_0$', r'$\alpha$', r'$r_0$', r'$V_s$', r'$C_p$']
# sort the sensitivity from high to low
# combined_df_index = [0, 4, 6, 3, 2, 1, 5, 0+7, 4+7, 6+7, 3+7, 2+7, 1+7, 5+7] 
plot(Si, xtick_labels)

Add one more parameter \(T_v-T_l\)#

# config
para_list = ['etaP', 'Vs', 'r0', 'alpha', 'rho', 'cp', 'Tl-T0', 'Tv-T0']
coef_pi = np.array([1, -0.5, -1.5, -0.5, -1, -1, -0.75, -0.25])  # for table 3, 2nd row
deg = 3

# choose parameters
X, y = parse_data(df, para_list)

# calculate bounds
bounds = calculate_bounds(df, para_list)

# train mdoel
model, poly = train_model(X, y, coef_pi, deg)

# calculate sensitivity
Si = SA(para_list, coef_pi, bounds, model, poly)
/tmp/ipykernel_13504/3367990274.py:32: DeprecationWarning: `salib.sample.saltelli` will be removed in SALib 1.5. Please use `salib.sample.sobol`
  X_sampled = saltelli.sample(problem, sample_num, calc_second_order=True)
             ST   ST_conf
etaP   0.435631  0.134623
Vs     0.102755  0.021786
r0     0.101415  0.031282
alpha  0.216431  0.056151
rho    0.243284  0.091602
cp     0.029825  0.006825
Tl-T0  0.154469  0.084950
Tv-T0  0.001798  0.001092
             S1   S1_conf
etaP   0.293056  0.077243
Vs     0.058431  0.028659
r0     0.060356  0.031793
alpha  0.111009  0.041541
rho    0.143368  0.047292
cp     0.017399  0.011495
Tl-T0  0.059561  0.027110
Tv-T0  0.000351  0.003124
                      S2   S2_conf
(etaP, Vs)      0.001401  0.065627
(etaP, r0)     -0.004557  0.060997
(etaP, alpha)   0.022270  0.071110
(etaP, rho)     0.009413  0.072088
(etaP, cp)     -0.011741  0.059219
(etaP, Tl-T0)   0.010808  0.076470
(etaP, Tv-T0)  -0.008894  0.062713
(Vs, r0)       -0.008851  0.053176
(Vs, alpha)    -0.008343  0.065172
(Vs, rho)      -0.010061  0.057539
(Vs, cp)       -0.009823  0.045981
(Vs, Tl-T0)    -0.006326  0.058689
(Vs, Tv-T0)    -0.009010  0.046571
(r0, alpha)    -0.013241  0.056398
(r0, rho)       0.000213  0.060594
(r0, cp)       -0.009465  0.048972
(r0, Tl-T0)    -0.001906  0.067778
(r0, Tv-T0)    -0.009262  0.050348
(alpha, rho)    0.012296  0.112398
(alpha, cp)    -0.010145  0.079179
(alpha, Tl-T0) -0.018565  0.086098
(alpha, Tv-T0) -0.006149  0.081406
(rho, cp)      -0.022207  0.067328
(rho, Tl-T0)   -0.009719  0.067188
(rho, Tv-T0)   -0.025940  0.065952
(cp, Tl-T0)     0.000179  0.021150
(cp, Tv-T0)    -0.003383  0.017706
(Tl-T0, Tv-T0) -0.000089  0.056270
xtick_labels = [r'$\eta P$', r'$V_s$', r'$r_0$', r'$\alpha$', r'$\rho$',
                    r'$C_p$', r'$T_l-T_0$', r'$T_v-T_l$']
plot(Si, xtick_labels)

Add one more parameter \(L_m\)#

# config
para_list = ['etaP', 'Vs', 'r0', 'alpha', 'rho', 'cp', 'Tl-T0', 'Lm']
coef_pi = np.array([1, -0.5, -1.5, -0.5, -1, -0.75, -0.75, -0.25])  # for table 4, 3rd row
deg = 3

# choose parameters
X, y = parse_data(df, para_list)

# calculate bounds
bounds = calculate_bounds(df, para_list)

# train mdoel
model, poly = train_model(X, y, coef_pi, deg)

# calculate sensitivity
Si = SA(para_list, coef_pi, bounds, model, poly)
/tmp/ipykernel_13504/3367990274.py:32: DeprecationWarning: `salib.sample.saltelli` will be removed in SALib 1.5. Please use `salib.sample.sobol`
  X_sampled = saltelli.sample(problem, sample_num, calc_second_order=True)
             ST   ST_conf
etaP   0.407922  0.180610
Vs     0.114861  0.041372
r0     0.109062  0.049810
alpha  0.253861  0.115523
rho    0.295320  0.216713
cp     0.018771  0.008362
Tl-T0  0.216055  0.212208
Lm     0.005355  0.004654
             S1   S1_conf
etaP   0.246249  0.092355
Vs     0.053234  0.026338
r0     0.051079  0.030485
alpha  0.101483  0.046561
rho    0.127977  0.058670
cp     0.008455  0.008518
Tl-T0  0.051638  0.028429
Lm     0.000703  0.003790
                      S2   S2_conf
(etaP, Vs)     -0.001122  0.056589
(etaP, r0)     -0.008193  0.054476
(etaP, alpha)   0.019447  0.076453
(etaP, rho)     0.006793  0.067423
(etaP, cp)     -0.014905  0.057506
(etaP, Tl-T0)   0.011559  0.081713
(etaP, Lm)     -0.010896  0.059814
(Vs, r0)       -0.011737  0.052146
(Vs, alpha)    -0.012059  0.071268
(Vs, rho)      -0.014467  0.058041
(Vs, cp)       -0.012331  0.047543
(Vs, Tl-T0)    -0.009250  0.061771
(Vs, Lm)       -0.011251  0.047606
(r0, alpha)    -0.008149  0.055715
(r0, rho)       0.008530  0.057541
(r0, cp)       -0.004924  0.043989
(r0, Tl-T0)     0.006490  0.076907
(r0, Lm)       -0.003403  0.046154
(alpha, rho)    0.024897  0.153146
(alpha, cp)    -0.007572  0.093530
(alpha, Tl-T0) -0.015623  0.096744
(alpha, Lm)    -0.002525  0.097367
(rho, cp)      -0.023625  0.077814
(rho, Tl-T0)   -0.006633  0.078949
(rho, Lm)      -0.025646  0.076982
(cp, Tl-T0)     0.000633  0.016145
(cp, Lm)       -0.002598  0.013373
(Tl-T0, Lm)     0.005331  0.081760
xtick_labels = [r'$\eta P$', r'$V_s$', r'$r_0$', r'$\alpha$', r'$\rho$',
                    r'$C_p$', r'$T_l-T_0$', r'$L_m$']
plot(Si, xtick_labels)